Monday, 23 March 2020

The Tribe of Gong - Spring

'Palaeo Diet' has a simple campaign system, which allows you to follow a group of hunters from one hunt to another. The recommendation is to run it as a series of seasons - four hunts to a campaign year covering Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, and suggests some scenarios that can be played for each.

I thought I'd give it a try.

I randomly rolled a party of four hunters - equal chance of each type of weapon, but witha 1 in 6 chance one was a fire-user instead and a one in six chance for each hunter that they'd have a hound (to a maximum of two, as I only have two hound models). Only the tribe's leader has a trait at the start.

I got:

Ron (Leader) - Club - Bigfoot
Frun - Bow - Hound
Grub - Spear
Vikk - Club

I played the suggested Spring scenario - The Hunger Games. The hunters are stalking a herd of grazers moving onto the plains in search of new grass after the snows have melted. All hunters count as Hungry, which means they will make reaction moves in response to beasts being wounded and killed. The hunters have eight turns in which to kill two of the grazers.

Here are the hunters, and their hound.

The hunters start on each flank of the herd. Frun and Grub on the left ...

... and Vikk and Ron on the other.

Grub moved onto the hill to lie in ambush. Frun worked behind the herd with his hound, ready to shoot one of the animals and drive it towards Grub once he was in position. Vikk and Ron waited further on, ready to move in if the herd fled or stampeded and bring down any stray animals with their clubs.

Frun crept into range, and shot the isolated beast, wounding it.

As it turned to charge the archer, Grub sprung from ambush and speared it.

The bovines moved away.

The famished hunters rushed to their kill to eat their fill. Vikk and Ron edged forward at the thought of succelent fresh meat, but resisted rushing in for a feed.

The hound rushed over to their master for a few scraps ...

... before rushing back to the herd and spooking them.

A bovine fled from the hound straight into Ron, who was waiting with his club. He wounded the beast as it fled past him ...

... then dived out of the way as the other beasts followed on in a stampede.

The bovines settled down to grazing again, as the hunters tried to manuever in on the wounded animal. Vikk startled one, but fortunately the herd stayed in place.

Ron saw his chance and rushed in with his club to bring down the wounded animal, making for a successful hunt.

The Tribe of Gong would feast after the long winter, ready for new hunts in the spring.

After the scenario it was time to reassess the hunting party. Vikk was deemed the least successful hunter, having missed the only attack he made and startled the herd towards the end. He kept his hungry trait for the next scenario. The other hunters were no longer considered Hungry. Frun was judged the most successful hunter, and gained the Alert trait, which allows him to reroll a failed activation. Finally I decided to see if another hunter joined the party. In the next scenario they will be joined by an axe-using hunter called Brell, the only survivor of another tribe. He starts Hungry.

So the hunting party is now:

Ron (Leader) - Club - Bigfoot
Frun - Bow - Alert + Hound
Grub - Spear
Vikk - Club - (Hungry)
Brell - Axe - (Hungry)

(The Hungry trait only applies to the next scenario.)

NB: I have pieces of white felt I could have used as patches of snow, but I'm not sure where they are at the moment. Maybe if I cycle around to winter again they'll make an appearence.

1 comment:

  1. This looks super fun actually. Never considered caveman gaming before


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