On Sunday we got invited to another playtest of my friend's 'in-development' Dinosaur Park game. This time it ran a lot more smoothly than before, although we didn't come anywhere near winning it.
Here's the early stages - we have a a coupe of dinosaurs and some visitors.
Monday 28 September 2020
Return To Dinosaur Park
Saturday 26 September 2020
HOTT 52 - Week 39 - Ceidonians vs Prester John
It saw mixed results - Prester John lost some archers, whilst the Ceidonians had some elements pushed back.
Friday 25 September 2020
Frocktober 2020
Yes, IT HAS POCKETS will once again be donning frocks throughout October in order to raise money for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation. More details, and links, in the next week or so.
Saturday Night Live
We played more Gaslands last night, and decided to run the Saturday Night Live scenario, which we'd not ever done before. Once again we limited the game to 30 Cans and 1-3 vehicles only.
We ended up with five players. Two ran Scarlett Annie vehicles, both with rams. We had one Highway Patrol pair, a Rutherford gun-machine and I ran an elegant Miyazaki hover-car.
In Saturday Night Live the players are looking to rack up Audience Votes, either through their sponsor's particular mechanism or via randomly-determined, and ever-changing spot-prizes which involve declaring particular types of attacks, selecting particular templates or being in a particular state or position. This scenario is all about entertaining the mob.
We set up a relatively open arena.
This was an entertaining scenario I'd like to try again, since it isn't always simply about either racing or destroying each other. My hover-car was fun to use, although I never got to use the smoke.
Tuesday 22 September 2020
I tried another OHW scenario using The Portable Wargame this evening, once again putting my GNW Risk figures on the table.
I played the Counterattack scenario - the Russians hold a village and, further down the road to the north, lies a bridge that they also need to control. An advance-guard of Swedes are at the bridge. The Russians are moving to drive them off. However more Swedes are coming up and, unbeknownst to the Russians, they know about fords on both Russian flanks.