Monday, 29 April 2024

Displacement Activity

What I'm Supposed To Be Doing: Packing for our trip to the UK

What I'm Actually Doing: 

I decided I needed some more hexaremes and have started work on a couple of bigger ships as well (what 'Galleys & Galleons' lumps together as 'Polyremes'. There's even a sneaky penteconter design in there as well.

Anyway this is a lead-in to me saying that things will be quiet here for a couple of weeks since all of my internet access will be via mobile devices and they suck for blogging.

Saturday, 27 April 2024


I wanted to give my new animated scarecrows an outing, as well as one or two of my new pilgrim adventurer figures. So I set up one of the scenarios from the Palaeo Diet: Pulp book - The Mummy Returns.

A party of adventurers in the centre of the table must collect artifacts that are randomly scattered across the table. The artifacts are each worth a number of points, but the adventurers don't know how many until they get them home. To win they must recover (in this case ) 5 pts worth of artifacts. Three of the six artifacts are worth 1pt, one is worth 2pts, one is worth 3pts and the sixth is worth a whopping 4pts.

In two sectors of the playing area are mummies. At least I used the mummy stats for them; they were, in fact, animated scarecrows. I used the leader as a greater mummy and another as a lesser mummy. Each could summon more animated scarecrows if they rolled the appropriate reaction.

In PD:P mummies are scared of cats, and in this scenario a cat starts on the board. I don't have a model of a cat, so I used a rat swarm. It would react like a beast and affect the scarecrows if within a certain distance of them.

Here are the three adventurers. We've met the swordsman Aaron before. And, in fact, the musketeer Job has featured on the blog as well. So the only new adventurer is Adam the Alchemist. He is armed with a a big bag of grenades. What could possibly go wrong?

The Scarecrow King is menacing, but in fact took no part in the game.

Adam and Isaac loped off towards the small farm to pick up artifacts there.

Isaac edged warily past the screcrow.

It lunged at him, wounding him.

The injured Isaac backed off. If an adventurer is killed in this scenario then the VP target increases by 2pts, so it's best not to lose anybody.

Adam lobbed a bomb at the scarecrow. A bomb can be thrown a short distance, then you roll for a bounce. Hopefully it continues on its path, but it can scatter, go off immediately (hitting the user) or, in this case, simply fizzle out and not work at all.

Aaron had collected an artifact and rushed over to assist his companions as the scarecrow pursued Isaac. Isaac escaped further injury, but the scarecrow cursed him.

Aaron wasn't having that, and in a brisk fight, which saw him injured, chopped the scarecrow into distinctly non-animated pieces.

Isaac and Adam fled with a few artifacts between them.

Aaron soon joined them; the Scarecrow King was too far away to do anything effective.

The lads had four artifacts between them. I rolled 4D6 and rerolled until the numbers were unique; 1-3 meant an artifact was worth 1pt, 4 meant it was worth 2pts and so on. The adventurers picked up 9pts, so got a very convincing win. They needed 5pts to win, so four artifacts would always do it for them. 

The scenario played very quickly and, to be honest, seemed pretty easy. It wasn't hard to get to the artifacts and obviously the scarecrows only do anything if the party fail any activations. Playing with two adventurers makes it harder, since they still have to collect four artifacts to ensure a win (but have less risk if they go for fewer). Also making the terrain denser would change things a lot as well.

Friday, 26 April 2024

HOTT Matched Pairs

I took a pair of my HOTT matched pairs to the Wollongong Wargamers, and played a couple of games with Bailey.

The first pair was my Australian Aboriginal pair. Bailey chose the Horrors Of The Dreamtime, whilst I had the heroic warriors. 

Bailey ended up with an impassable crag blocking his deployment area, but which also forced me to split my forces.

I sent my fliers off down the left flank to harrass the behemoth on the end of Bailey's line. The army's god soon joined them.

The god and behemoth fought, with the god supported by the fliers. The behemoth - the mighty Wulgaru - fell back, crushing some hordes in its path.

Marmoo, the Evil One moved out to engage one of my lone fliers. In earlier incarnations of the army he was a flier general, but for this game I experimented with dropping him to a basic flier, and transferred command to the Goose Women magician element. This makes their general easier to support and less prone to being picked off by enemy aerials, which is normally what happens when this matched pair meet.

Baiame, the god, saw the behemoth fall back and decided that his work here was done. The Goose Women's magic got rid of the supporting flier.

Meanwhile the heroic Winjarning Brothers had engaged the Great Whowie. It was backed up against the crag, so a win would see it slain. 

Instead it was teh brothers who retreated, pursued by the monster. They entered some rough ground and were ambushed by a bunyip. The two monsters made short work of the two heroes.

I was now one element away from breaking, and in desperation sent in the dingoes. As beasts these would be destroyed if they lost to the Whowie. But they didn't; they forced it to recoil into the bad going and it crushed the bunyip.

The dingoes kept fighting ...

... and killed the monster!

Things were looking good for my warriors.

That was, until Marmoo destroyed my second flier. That was enough to break the army.

So I lost that one 5-13. Not a good start to the evening.

Here's a shot by Ralph showing me deep in thought as I ponder how to salvage a game that was rapidly going down the pan.

For our second game we switched to my Boxer Rebellion pair. Bailey took the heroic Chinese whilst I took the evil Foreign Devils.

The Boxer's flier is currently on my painting table undergoing repairs, but I have elements to offset this, so long as you're happy playing lots of warband. Which Bailey was. Seven warband, a shooter, a behemoth and a magician, to be exact.

Bailey had set up a lot of his troops in a town, and I didn't fancy going into it after them, so I sent the Royal Navy (warband), Bengal Lancers (knights) and Italian and American troops (shooters) on a sweep around and through some woods to attack the Boxer right. Naturally Bailey shifted troops over as well, and it was here that the fight took place.

You can also see 200 year-old devil-prince Bishop Favier (hero) sneaking around the edge of the wood to the right.

The Boxers closed up on the woods and were met by plenty of rifle fire that drove them back but did little more.

Both sides organised a solid line, but Bishop Favier swept in on the flank of the Boxer line, engaging the mighty Peking Boxers (behemoth)

The Boxers' retreat saw the loss of a warband.

The fight swung back and forth and at various points both elements were flanked and in danger of being destroyed. But eventually the Bishop prevailed. It was a close-run thing though.

This left the Bishop free to rampage through the Boxer position. Bailey was reluctant to use magic on him because his magician was already one bad roll away from becoming a frog. Plus the magic-disrupting naked women (cleric)  were also close up and covering the Bishop.

The magician fell to an attack by the Royal Navy landing-party and the Bengal Lancers.

Bishop Favier destroyed another warband to give the Foreign Devils a 12-0 win.

So two fun games, and thanks to Bailey for giving HOTT another go, having only played once before.

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

More Pilgrims

I bought a few more Pilgrim adventurers from Slave 2 Gaming the other week, and finished painting them a couple of days ago.

I got them because I felt I needed a couple more musketeers, and you only get one in each pack of four figures.

I painted up (and converted in one case) two more figures as torch-bearers, since fire is still important when facing monsters.

II got a character pack too, which is where the splendid witch-hunter comes from. The other figure was a swordsman, but I converted him to a bomb-throwing alchemist; explosives are an option in Palaeo Diet: Pulp.

I got a couple of creature packs too. The werewolves remain to be painted, but these are the animated scarecrows. The basic pack are the four figures on the right, and the pumpkin-headed leader is from the same character pack as the witch-hunter.

These figures aren't from Slave 2 Gaming. I think they're from Pendraken. Anyway, I had them to hand an thought that they'd be useful as swarms.

Monday, 22 April 2024

Lion Rampant At Shirecon

Yesterday was the annual Lion Rampant tournament at Shirecon, and a contingent from Wollongong headed up to the big city to take part. 

Actually we made up half of the ten players.

I took the Dwarf army I'd used a couple of weeks ago - 2 x Crossbows with Pavise and 2 x Elite Foot (including the leader, who had Strongbow and Vulnerable)

There were five tables and each one was set up with a particular scenario. The tournament was four games, so we'd each play four of the five scenarios. Once at a table the players diced for attacker/defender. Each scenario was lifted straight from the book, and the Glory scored counted for the player's total at the end of the day. However this year players could also select boasts, so even if you lost a scenario and scored no Glory there, you could pick up points for successful boasts. And, indeed, this could be worth more than the Glory for the scenario.

Obviously the good players would win a scenario and pick up more Glory through boasts as well, to get the really big points.

My first game was against new player Justin, assisted by his young son Aurelian. We played Meet The Neighbours, in which both sides are marching along a corner-to-corner road towards each other with the aim of getting off the table on the opposite corner to that which we entered. So the inevitable fight in the middle is really incidental; the aim is to get as much of your force past the enemy and exit the board before they do, as the scenario ends once one side has no troops left on the table.

Justin was using Arthur's Briton's, with three units of mounted troops. However a wide sweep with the mounted was tricky because of some cunningly positioned woods. That being the case, Justin still went for it.

My army was a slow one, so I knew I couldn't fight my way through his troops before the mounted went round the sides, so I settled down as a blocking force, accepting that I would just score points for boasts and not seriously attempt to get stuff off the board. All I then had to do was stop Justin getting anything off as well.

I got my crossbows into decent positions to cover as much of the board as possible, and shoot up any cavalry trying to escape. Arthur's elite cavalry came straight down the middle, and I pushed forward some of my elite foot to force him into an impetuous charge before he could choose to charge the crossbowmen.

They lost badly and retreated, but were able to charge the crossbowmen a turn or so later. But by then I'd had a chance to shoot them up, as well as the supporting heavy cavalry.

Arthur was soon on his own ...

... then charged and killed.

The Britons collapsed fairly steadily after that. But one cavalry unit did get around the other flank, and we ended the game in a race for the exit corners, as his cavalry had to pass through woods and I reasoned that I could get something off the board if he failed activations and I didn't. As it was his cavalry was his sole surviving unit and exited, ending the game.

Technically Justin won the scenario. But he lost the Glory for doing so because he failed both of his selected Boasts. Meanwhile I completed all of mine for 8 Glory. So it was an 8-0 win to me; the Britons won the battle but the bards sang of the Dwarves.

My second game was Sausages With Mustard, playing against Victor's Saxons (who had some Pictish chariots as allies). He was trying to burn four huts in the centre of the table. I was trying to stop him. The game would end when all four were burning or if the attacker suffered half casualties.

The defender is allowed to set up a low points unit near the huts at the start. I didn't have one, so would have to march in all of my force as reinforcements. And Victor's troops were a lot faster than mine.

I'd barely sighted the village before two of the huts were burning.

But the two closer to my forces would be harder as I quickly got my crossbows into position.

A horde of screaming Saxons tore through the woods on my right, aiming for the crossbow unit there. My leader brought his elite foot in to stop them, driving them back.

Saxon cavalry charged the crossbows, who held firm.

And my leader popped out of the woods and finished them off.

On the other flank the crossbows did very little; the elite foot did all of the work. They saw off the chariots, and then went after some skirmishers in the woods. The skirmishers failed to evade, lost the combat, retreated and failed their rally roll, running away. that took Victor down to half strength. My elite foot failed the post melee moral-check though, and went battered, which coast me a boast.

The second game was a draw. We both picked up 4 Glory for huts (two burning for Victor and two not burning for me), and very little for boasts as we both managed some but not others. I think the score was 5-4 to me.

So at lunchtime I'd had two wins, but I knew other players had much higher scores than I.

My third game was Defending The Indefensible and I was fighting against Caesar. In this scenario one side must defend a fragile immobile object in the middle of the table. The attacker simply has to contact it with a unit. As with the previous scenario the defender - which turned out to be me - got a unit in the middle of the table defending the objective and then had to march the rest of their force from their deployment area.

Caesar had decided to go big or go home with his army choice this year - he had a force of Vikings consisting of four groups of warrior foot in armour. That was it. It was any army that would simply charge and then fight until it fell apart. 

Here's a very lonely group of Dwarven crossbows wondering if they can take out four enemy units in two turns.

The Vikings approach ...

Some shooting held off the lead units, and fortunately my reinforcements weren't far behind. My defenders had been attacked, though, and had fallen back around the objective.

However Caesar had boasts he wanted to fulfill, so held off on taking the objective. Obviously this mean that I had more time to break his force; I only had to take out two of his units and the scenario would end. My leader got stuck in to a Viking mob.

Most of Caesar's units had taken two or three casualties by now, so could possibly fall back given a morale test. So I challenged his leader to single combat.

I lost.

The cascading morale cause half of my force to retreat or run away instead.

Caesar rushed in to finish off as many of the survivors as he could and fulfill a couple of his boasts.

He then grabbed the objective. He got a lot of Glory - two or three boasts, plus the scenario victory points. I scored -3 Glory, having failed to achieve a single thing I said I would*.

My sole surviving unit - some crossbows who had sat and watched the rest of the warband get wiped out.

So that game crapped on my final total a fair bit. Still, there was one game to go and I could at least look to get double figures by the end of the day.

The fourth scenario was River Crossing, which is one lifted from The Pikeman's Lament. Both sides are trying to get all of their troops across to the enemy's side of a fordable river. The scenario ends when one player has no troops left on their side of the river, so there's some tactical niceties about how and when you might choose to end the game. I was playing Martin, whose force was similar to mine in that he had two elite foot. Instead of the crossbows he had two units of fast shooting veteran archers.

We both rushed towards the river. I decided to get a couple of units across as quickly as possible so that if there was a bloodbath elsewhere I stood a chance of having more troops on Martin's side than he did on mine.

Two units of  elite foot clashed at the ford in the middle, with my leader pushing the enemy back.

He retreated from a counter-attack, but the other group of elite foot got stuck in and took out the enemy unit.

Martin had a run of bad luck at this point, with a couple of failures when it came to activating his archers to shoot.

I kept his troops busy with my elite foot then stopped shooting with the crossbows and got them across the river as well. Or tried. The last unit failed two activations to move and make the final crossing, in which time Martin polished off my leader's unit and the other elite foot, then headed for the crossing himself.

But they got across in the end, putting all of my troops on Martin's side of the river and more points there than he had on mine.

We both picked up a couple of boasts, and I think the final score was something like 8-4.

Interestingly I'd declared in three games that I would score more casualties with shooting than I would in close combat, reasoning that the crossbows would do the heavy lifting and the elite foot the finishing off. As it was in two of those games I ended up in far more melee than I'd expected and failed the boast.

Anyway, I finished 5th in a field of ten, so I was at least in the top half. Stuart and Keegan picked up the top spots with Stuart's Arrows of Death proving the battle-winner we thought they'd be.

The tournament was great fun, with plenty of dramatic moments and excitement. As well as the scoring unpredictability provided by boasts we also played the core rules for activations, with the first failure ending a player's turn. Last year we played the option of allowing all units to try and activate and it made it far to easy for players to move their troops around. This year you really had to plan your priorities and keep your leader where he was needed to provide rerolls.

Thanks to Victor for his hard work in organising the tournament, and to all the players for a fun and friendly day out.

*I was not the only person to score -3 Glory in a game, so I didn't feel too bad. Indeed Caesar managed it in his next game ...

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