Monday 24 July 2023

Something Old Is New Again

Several years ago I Mad Maxed this lovely big excavator, and it got used in a few games of Machinas to provide a big, dangerous opponent.

I was never entirely happy with how it looked, so this weekend I remodelled, shifting some of the exiting weaponry and adding, of all things, a massive set of speakers. 

Speakers? Firstly because they look cool and secondly because it can be used to represent a couple of different weapons systems in Gaslands.

So here is the moderately new and slightly different Gaslands edition of Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven.

And I totally listened to the album whilst I did the modelling and painting (or some of the modelling and painting, since it took longer than the album's 90minutes or so.

It's coming at you, and it's playing SOUNDS.


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