Saturday 5 January 2019

Risk: Europe

Post-Christmas our local toyshop was selling off copies of this game for just under $30. I looked at the back of the box, and saw that it was chock-full of plastic figures, so I bought a set. This is what you get in it.

Plastic figures. Quite a few.

There are four factions, which are kind of Generic Western European Medieval, Scandinavian, Possibly Byzantine and Sort Of Turkish. Each one has three figure type - a foot-soldier, an archer and a horseman. For each faction you get 35 each of the first and 12 each of the archers and horsemen.

Here they are:

The colours are a little garish.

The Turks and Scandinavians. The Turkish figures are rather nice, although their archer appears to be left-handed. The cavalry and foot-soldier are nicely animated. The Scandinavians have a nice crossbowman and a rather good axeman, plus a wonderfully wild looking double-axe armed horseman that I suspect has little in the way of historical precedence.

The Western Medievals in their luminous green are pretty much what you'd expect. The archer in the long coat looks a bit strange, but the knight and foot-soldier are delightfully generic.

The Byzantine cavalryman is on a half-armoured horse and has a mace. The archer looks ... eastern. And the foot-soldier is almost certainly supposed to be a Varangian Guard.

In addition each faction has two war-engines. They are different for each one. You get a battering-ram and a trebuchet ...

... plus a catapult and a ballista. All rather nice pieces.

How do they scale? Well, they're bigger than 15mm figures. The box says 22mm. I haven't sized them against any Airfix or Revell figures to see how they line up.

So I now have a pile of vaguely Medieval figures looking for a project. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them yet. They're a bit big to match up with my 15mm DBA or HOTT armies, although if I can get a matched pair out of them for the former that would work. I suspect they might scale with my 3D-printed Dragon Rampant troops though, so that offers possibilities. And there's always the idea of simply basing them up in a suitably generic way for use with things like One Hour Wargames or The Portable Wargame.

I suppose I could have a look and see what the actual game is like as well. All I've done so far is look at the figures.


  1. Very timely I spotted this the other day and thought it might be worth a punt.

  2. I love bargain stories like this! I am interested to see what project they end up in. Funnily enough, as I was reading through the post I was thinking if I had them I would use them for Dragon Rampant. Great minds blah blah blah...

  3. Let us know how the game itself goes? Or at least how they work in the engines of war (haven't seen their equivalent in the Risk variants I've played). Cheers.

  4. One of our gaming group got this game and painted the figures to use in Game of Thrones Risk.

  5. Quite a find! One think about the garish colours: they can't be mistaken for each other! Looking at those figures I already have a possible game in mind using them 'as is'!

    Years ago a friend made over to me some 'Age of Empires' figures I think for my REDvsBLUE wars. Well, they were red and blue! But I preferred to keep them 'as is' (I just gave them white topees and green bases), and formed them into army corps of tiny 'Army Corps' of maybe 10 figures and a gun each.

    1. I am tempted to split them into two factions and simply paint one lot red and the other lot blue.

      I'm really over painting at the moment.

  6. Kaptain,

    I recommend playing the game several times; it's one of the stronger versions of Risk available and is especially fun with 3 or more players. Of course that might encourage you to just buy another set and have the best of both worlds! Here's a video that explains it far better than I ever could:

    Happy Gaming!


    PS Keep up the great work with the website. Its one that I make sure to visit at least once a day.

  7. Cool figures. I suppose I should look into getting a set.

  8. I played a game with my boys. Highly recommended. You really could make a tabletop wargame with the combat rules and some command & activation mechanics added on.


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