Wednesday, 15 January 2025

More Gunfighters

I finished another batch of gunfighters over the past week or so. Basically what I've done is options from one sprue from each of the Great Escape Games Gunfighters and Gunfighters II boxes. Each box contains two identical sprues, with five body and lower body/leg sections, ten heads and about twelve pairs of arms with various weapon options. So there's plenty  of variety (although some of the arms have distinctive sleeves so are intended to match with another specific arm on the sprue), and you can make five figures. 

This batch covered the last figure from Gunfighters - the kneeling one, as well as the remaining four figures from the Gunfighters II box, which are all women.

Here they are:

First up is the kneeling gunfighter. I hadn't done anyone with a rifle so far, so that's what I did with this one.

I also gave one of the female gunfighters a rifle (although it may be a hefty shotgun; I don't know enough about guns to be sure). She's photographed with a nicely-dressed lady with a silver-plated revolver.

On the left is a fairly standard gunfighter, with a couple of revolvers. She's the one figure in Gunfighters II not wearing a skirt/dress. The other one has a very posh skirt. I see her as some kind of outlaw widow and did her all in black. I also gave her a sawn-off shotgun. I'll add some standard shotguns into the next batch.

Here's the four female gunfighters together. They were all a lot of fun to paint.

With ten figures I now have enough for a game of some kind. If I can find some suitable animals (or dinosaurs) they'll even do for a game of Palaeo Diet.


  1. That's a useful bunch of figures 😃

    1. I might try and make the next batch more generic but these multi-part figures are so much fun to put together* that you can't help but make each one a distinct character.

      *Apart from the arms firing a rifle, which are a bit of a fiddle and usually end up being bodged with Milliput.

  2. Love these! Loads of character.


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