Sunday 22 November 2020

More Dino Park

We played another playtest game of my friend's in-development Dino Park game yesterday. For the first time we beat the game and won, keeping our park ticking over just well enough to pick up a coveted five-star satisfaction rating whilst still managing to pay back the loans we took out to set it up.

Obviously we had some dinosaurs, including some unhappy sauropods (who needed a bigger enclosure than we thought they'd want) ...

... and some anti-social Troodons.

Once again I spent the game mining amber in the name of Science. I even got two bits with some T-Rex DNA in them, but Corporate decided that the Entertainment division could have them to make into very expensive jewellery.

The hatchery - on the left is a very badly put-together Allosaurus, assembled from a few bits of original DNA and some other strands we found down the back of the sofa.

Our Troodons were a bit ropey as well, until one of my brave scientists went into their enclosure and gave them a dose of gene-therapy to fix them. He survived.

Anyway, it was a fun afternoon. The game is more complicated than I usually like things, but I think we have helped push it in the right direction.

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