Sunday, 16 February 2025


As seen in our most recent game of Turnip 28, last week I completed a unit of brutes and a Toff.

Brutes are the elite infantry of the game. They only have six figures, but are tough to shift.

Mine are armed with black-powder weapons.

As with the chaff they are mostly plastic Napoleonic British infantry, with plastic Martian heads and scratch-built top-hats.

The Toff is the overall commander of a Turnip 28 regiment. He is assisted by one or more Toadies; I have a couple of them to paint along wit the other units that will make up a regiment I call 'The Gentleman's Gentlemen'

This is The Gentleman. The figure is from Ex Manus and came with a choice of three heads. I used a martian head instead.

The regiment so far. There's another unit of brutes being painted at the moment and then I need to consider what the fourth unit will be. Probably some cavalry.

I still haven't decided what to do with the bases.


  1. Replies
    1. He's a lovely figure, if a little well-dressed for Turnip 28.

      I thought that the world of Turnip 28 needed someone with some style and class :-D


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