Sunday 13 October 2019


This year, for the first time since I arrived in Australia, I went to MOAB as a regular punter. I was neither playing in any competitions, nor was I involved in running and demo/participation games.

As it was I managed to fill the day rather nicely, hung out with various friends and associates and, of course, spent some of my hard-earned cash on stuff which will probably sit in cupboards until I die and my children are left to work out what to do with it.

So what did I get?

I always end up buying some Bones. Whether I'll ever get around to painting any of them remains to be seen. These are destined for either Battlesworn or my small collection of 25mm HOTT armies.

I got these 18mm Four Horseman of the Apocalypse from Slave2Gaming.

Also some winged imps, which you can see in an unassembled pile at the bottom of the picture.

My biggest purchase was a pile of Monsterpocalypse stuff from the bring and buy.

I got plenty of kaiju and mechs.

There was also a pile of the smaller 'things' that were part of the game - some vehicles as well as mini-monsters.

My favourites - a lorry transporting an egg, and these giant gorillas, one of which is carrying a field howitzer as a gun.

I've already taken some of the big monsters off their clunky game bases, although few of them stand up unaided like that and will need to be rebased.

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