Free Stuff

Like any gamer I dabble in rules, variants and scenarios. Here you can find links to things I have developed over the years, or am still developing.


Spandau and Lewis - Simple rules for WW1 air-combat. I threw together the first draft of these back in 2008, and have been fiddling with them on and off since then. Current Version - 1.3 (18th January 2023)

Munera Sine Missione - Gladiatorial combat rules, using a hex grid. Simple armour and weapon categories make it easy to use your favourite figures, whilst a single bout plays to a conclusion in less than 15 minutes, making it suitable for campaign play in an evening. Current version - 3.0 (7th January 2019).

A Hotter Fire - Rules for American Civil War naval actions. These were written a long time ago, and have provided some fun games over the years. Whilst the mechanics are simple and require a minimal amount of technical data about individual ships (and for may there's not a lot of information), they do allow the quirkiness of some of the vessels to be recreated.

Struggle Against Everything And Everybody - Simple rules for the Mexican Revolution using a square grid. Current Version - 0.1 (9th May 2012)

Mighty Mean-Fowt Fights - Simple American Civil War rules, also using a square grid and derived from Bob Cordery's Portable Wargame. Now pretty much superseded by See The Elephant below. (Draft 17th December 2012)

Clobberin' Time - Fast and furious superhero skirmish rules. Stat up your favourite characters in next to no time, and pit them against each other, or evil villains. (Draft 0.3 20th June 2016)

See The Elephant - American Civil war battles on a chessboard or square grid. (Version 1.1 7th January 2015)

One Hour Wargames - Great Northern War - A heavily modified version of the Horse & Musket/Pike & Shot rules in Neil Thomas's 'One Hour Wargames' specifically for use with the Great Northern War (Version 1.0, 21st August 2015).

One Hour Wargames - English Civil War - Another heavily modified OHW variant. (Version 2.0, 12th January 2022)

Atteint! - A simple set of rules for medieval jousts. (Version 1.1, 12th December 2022)


Liberated Hordes - A variant of HOTT for fighting battles of the South American Wars of Liberation. Current Version - 3.0 (9th March 2015)

Campaigns And Scenarios

The Campaign For Alto Peru - A mapless Liberated HOTT campaign. Current Version 1.0 (15th May 2012)

Dux Bellorum - Arthur defends Britain from raiders and invaders. A simple solitaire campaign set-up suitable for DBA or HOTT.

Space Crusade - Lead a Space Marine chapter across the galaxy against the forces of Chaos in this mini-campaign for HOTT

The German Invasion Of Denmark - A scenario for Memoir '44

The Attack On Port Stanley - 1982 - A scenario for Memoir '44

The Battle of Westport - 1864 - A scenario for See The Elephant

Paper Models

The following are based on flat designs produced by John Wirth and found on Junior General. They were designed for use with Maurice and scaled to work with 10mm figures. The barricades use a fence design from Matt Fritz. You can see then assembled and set up HERE

Small House (x10)
Large House (x10)
Church and Clock Tower (1xTower and 1xChurch)
Barricades (1" wide x12)

The buildings above work nicely on these 2" square bases. They are based on a free texture on Flickr, but I've lost the details of the original photographer.

Cobblestone Bases


Monster Sheet - For Giant Monster Rampage

Damage Markers - For Galleys & Galleons


  1. Just to let you know, the documents are all redirecting to google docs home to register, instead of the documents.

    1. They seem OK to me. I even logged out of Google and could still access all documents.

    2. Hi Alan,
      I tried to access the OHW variants, ECW and GNW but am being told access is denied on google drive??
      All the best,

    3. Thanks for letting me know - I think it's an issue to do with recent security changes Google did which affected old links. I thought I'd checked mine and that they were OK, but obviously not. I will try and fix them.

  2. Just read and downloaded your MMFF rules. That's a really nice, fun set of rules. Thanks!

  3. I printed off a copy of Spandau and Lewis to try, thank you. I hope to play with my 6mm Irregular plane which have not been in action for over 10 years

  4. I have just recently downloaded your gladiator rules. Thank you so much for making them available for free. I look forward to playing them.
    Best wishes,

    1. We hope you enjoy them. Any questions, let me know.

  5. Thank you for sharing your rules - many of interest here. As the years go by I turn to homegrown rules more and more - Cheers, Alan


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