Monday, 10 February 2025

The Final Five

Here are the final batch of five gunfighters from the Great Escape Games Gunfighters and Gunfighters II multi-pose plastic figure boxes. I had two left from the male box and three from the female.

These two you saw in the recent gunfight report I posted here, representing Joe and Ella Carfax. 

On the left is a proper villain with a shotgun, whilst there's a nice lady to the right (or a well-dressed proper villain)

This is my favourite of the batch. When I'm putting these figures together I generally don't have a clear plan in mind, I just make quick decisions and try not to overthink what I'm doing. This figure's pose came out as one just using confidence and badassery. Halfway through painting her I promoted her to a sheriff or deputy because she deserved it.

So here's the final group shots. First up is Box II - the ladies:

And here's the gentlemen from the first box:

From each box I did six figures with one or more revolvers, two with shotguns and two with rifles. All bits are from the boxes themselves aside from one figure where I skipped the second pair of kneeling legs and used some spare legs from a Napoleonic infantryman instead.
(If I can make a nice body from Milliput then those kneeling legs will give me a 21st figure; I have heaps of arms and heads left over.)


  1. Bags of character there...excellent!

  2. Great work, Kaptain πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ


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