These figures featured in my latest Turnip 28 battle report, but I actually painted them last year. However I thought I'd do a post showing them off.
They are Chaff - a four figure skirmish unit.
The base figures are plastic Napoleonic British infantry. I'm not sure if they are Victrix or Perry; I just bought some random partial sprues from a friend at wargaming.
The heads are from figures in the Martians! expansion for the Zombies! boardgame. The hats are scratch-built from flat sequins and Hama beads plus a bit of Milliput.
Update: I'm not sure what I want to do with the bases yet, which is why they are currently unfinished.
I’ve never played Turnip 28 but do have a few figures for Deadloque, as well as some historical Russian and French which I reckon will pass muster (even a poor paint job might be acceptable for the undead pseudo Russians). Have you ever played Deadloque or Flintloque? If so, how do you think Turnip 28 compares?
I'm not really familiar with Flintloque or Deadloque except to know that it's Napoleonic skirmish with fantasy races pasted over the top. I'm not sure Turnip 28 is quite Napoleonic skirmish; it's more of a black-poweder post-apocalypse game. You could certainly play it with the figures you have although, like mine, they would be pushing the boundaries of the 'vibe'. I am deliberately going for an army that looks relatively 'normal' compared to others.