Friday 6 September 2024

Alpha Strike - Clans

I ended up playing Alpha Strike at the club yesterday after the game I had arranged to play was cancelled. Darren had set up a fight between some Inner Sphere defenders and an attacking force of Clan mechs. Clan mechs are apparently nastier than the regular Inner Sphere ones we've used up until now, so they had fewer mechs the defenders.

I played some of the red Inner Sphere mechs. Darren took the advance force of lighter Inner Sphere mechs, who quickly got overwhelmed by the Clan force.

The heavier mechs (mine and, when he got in later, Caesar's) advanced on the flanks, laying down plenty of long-range fire with varying effects.

The Clan broke through and we found ourselves with a lot of targets, all of which seemed tough to kill. Saying that we did take out one with an ammunition critical that saw it blow up.

The heavier Inner Sphere mechs put up a good fight, but their Clan opponents were tough and fast.

They quickly occupied the two objectives, and were still holding them as we got onto the last turn.

But we hadn't realised how much damage Darren's light mechs had done at the start. The Clan mechs holding teh objectives weren't as tough as they looked and between us Caesar and I laid down some long-range fire and destroyed both of them, snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.

A very close game on Darren's lovely hex-based terrain.


  1. Congrats on the win 🙂. Some very impressive scenics in use there 👍🏼. Must be tough to transport! Are the buildings scaled roughly to 10-15mm ?

    1. They're scaled to 6mm. And, yes, those terrain hexes are a bugger to transport; they go in a big crate and Darren moves them with a trolley :)

  2. That’s keen 😮. Pure dedication

  3. Wow! That all looks VERY exciting!!

    I played a LOT of Battletech in my teens in the 80s. Most of it was single mechs fighting each other or maybe a lance fighting another lance on those cardboard hex maps... I remember one of the biggest and most exciting games we ever played was on my friend Rob's brown-carpeted living room floor with piles of books arranged to denote city blocks - I feel like there were half a dozen players on each side each with a mech... but maybe there was just six of us in total and everyone had two mechs...?

    Teenage Tim's mind would have been BLOWN by this set up...

    (Current Tim's mind is still kind of blown by all that!)


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