Monday 1 April 2024


Just off the painting table - some 15mm Pilgrims from the Slave2Gaming Grim Fantasy range. I'm going to use these as adventurers for Palaeo Diet Pulp

This leader chap was carrying a torch, but I modified it such that he's firing a pistol.


  1. Very nice figures. I wasn’t aware of this range at all, but I expect they would be most useful.

    1. It's an interesting range of figures. Somewhere on this blog is an account of an actual game as well. But even when I was playing it I thought that a lot of the basics - hunting monsters - would translate very well to Palaeo Diet. I like the Woodsmen and the Red Hoods too, but sadly they are a bit lacking on spear-armed troops. I went with the Pilgrims because they have a mix of swords, polearms and guns, which translate well to the three basic classes of Palaeo Diet weapon (although Pupl does have specific rules for guns)


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