Monday 29 April 2024

Displacement Activity

What I'm Supposed To Be Doing: Packing for our trip to the UK

What I'm Actually Doing: 

I decided I needed some more hexaremes and have started work on a couple of bigger ships as well (what 'Galleys & Galleons' lumps together as 'Polyremes'. There's even a sneaky penteconter design in there as well.

Anyway this is a lead-in to me saying that things will be quiet here for a couple of weeks since all of my internet access will be via mobile devices and they suck for blogging.


  1. Safe trip, Kaptain…👍🏼

  2. I trust your trip to the UK will (coincidentally, of course 🤔) coincide with a wargames show. If that’s the case then it would be rude not to attend, perhaps purchasing a few miniatures as mementos of your trip - and the fact you can avoid all the expense of international shipping costs is an added bonus. 😉
    I’m curious and I don’t know if you are able to tell, but do you still retain your UK accent or has your speech now changed to reflect the local Australian accent?

    1. Nit sure about any wargames shows - our schedule is fairly full already sadly. However I am getting to a couple of club meets (including an evening of HOTT) so wargaming won't be entirely neglected.

      Not sure about my accent. I think I still sound mostly English, since I deal with clients on the phone across the world and they all think I'm phoning from the UK :) I suspect that I haven't picked up the Australian accent, but have probably picked up a few Australian ways of saying things :)

    2. Apparently I sound Australian in intonation rather than accent :)

  3. Have a great trip back home. I tend to have backlog of blog posts queued up anyway, so when I'm away I just hit 'publish' on my phone, but I appreciate many people prefer to blog in real time.

    1. I do sometimes set up posts for when I'm away, but haven't done so this time.


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