Monday, 27 January 2025

Gunfighters - The Second Batch

The first ten gunfighters I did represented what's possible with one sprue each from the Great Escape Games' Gunfighters and Gunfighters II plastic multipose sets. I have now finished the first batch of figures from the second set of sprues. Each box has two identical sprues, so you get the same five legs and bodies, but obviously I tried to mix things up a little

Every group of gunfighters needs a sheriff. I went for an elderly gambler look with mine, and gave him a shotgun. I actually love the head with the top-hat and really wanted to use it. Making him a sheriff was an afterthought but he turned out a real character because of it.

Another figure with a shotgun. This lady looks like she doesn't take crap from anyone and, is indeed, based on my wife. The sprues contain a few objects to put on the bases; Gunfighters II gives you a couple of chickens, so I added one. The chicken is in honour of Bad Janet, an elderly member of our flock who died whilst I was putting this batch of figures together. She escaped from the pen several times, and once came back after being missing for several weeks. She was a true Wild West Hero.

I needed more figures with rifles, so did these two.

Finally there's this chap who, like the sheriff, was based around my desire to use one of the head options. They actually do a head with a sack over it as a mask. He could be a masked avenger or an outlaw. 

I actually sourced his legs from a Perry Napoleonic infantry figure. In the male gunfighters set one set of legs are in a kneeling pose and I just couldn't come up with a combination of things I wanted for it. So I found some alternate standing legs. In theory if I can model a Milliput body I can still use the kneeling legs - I have plenty of arms and heads left over to make a figure with.

Here's the fifteen figures I've done so far. Today I assembled the final five.


  1. That is very imaginative, congratulations on the full body swaps!

  2. Probably not the way you want to go, but eBay seller “Miniature Men and Components” do a range of fantasy Wild West figures. My favourite is the half Orc sheriff
    They also do some nice fantasy Wild West Dwarves too.


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