I wanted to set up another Earthsea game using Galleys & Galleons, but this time giving both sides a magic-user. I set the game during an anti-piracy campaign that forms part of the background of the short-story 'The Daughter Of Odren'. On the island of O the Lord of Odren assembles a large force of ships to extirpate pirates from the Closed Sea. It seems to be a long campaign, suggesting it's a series of small, isolated fights. This game represents one such fight.
Four ships from the Lord of Odren's force encounter three pirate vessels on the edge of the Bars of Uny. I randomised the terrain, wind direction and initial positions and the setup looked very much like an ambush by the pirate-hunters, as they had the weather gauge and we steering out of an area of islands and rocks.
All ships had the same stats: Q3 C2 - Square Rig, Sweeps, Shallow Draft, Unarmed
The Pirates had Intimidating, so had an edge in close combat. Both sides had a magic-user on board one of their ships. That of the Pirates was a Wind-Whisperer (such as I used in the previous game). The Lord of Odren's magic- user was a Theurgist. In terms of the name it's not very Earthsea, but two of their abilities - that of repairing damaged vessels or helping their own side win boarding actions, fit the background. The third ability (attack vessels with ghostly or undead abilities) are irrelevant to this game.
Here's the ships set up:
The first collision saw one of the pirate ships badly damaged.
This was a short game. influence entirely by the several consecutive failed activations. Just at the point where either side could have seized the initiative, neither side could. And in the randomness of the collision rules, the pirates came off worse.
The wind-whisperer got to use his magic a couple of times, setting the wind to a favourable position, and making some minor moves for other ships. But the theurgist didn't really get any chance; the ship he was in was involved in a boarding action before he could use his magic, and magic-users can't cast in boarding actions. By the time his ship broke free the fight was essentially over. Had it continued he could have repaired the ship he was on.
I don't know if it was the dice running really bad low-probability activation rolls, or the activation rolls are too punitive. It might be something to look into and revisit. The action and the scene looked very good. One wants a rule set to match.
I think I was trying to activate on 2D6 needing a 3+ on either one of them to not fail. So a 1 in 9 chance of a failure. As the first roll for a side. Multiple times.