I played some more Song Of Blades And Heroes over the weekend, trying out my Yokai warband. I've not used SoBaH with these before; they were built during my Battlesworn phase and were very much designed around those rules. It's true that I could have had a go at Sword Weirdos with them too, but I didn't have the time this weekend to sift through the rules and stat up the warband. SoBaH is quicker in that respect.
Here's what I used:
1 x Tengu - Q2 C4 - Flying, Combat Master
1 x Giant Oni - Q3 C4 - Big, Heavy Weapon
4 x Oni - Q3 C3
1 x Dorotabo - Q4 C3 - Undead, Slow
For teh first game they were fighting the Dwarf warband Catherine used the other day. I played teh Treasure Hunt scenario; there were three counters on the centreline which had to be checked for two actions. One of them was a treasure that had to be carried off the board.
Both sides split into three forces to go and check out the counters. One was in a small wood in teh centre of the board. Thanks to rubbish activations only The Dwarf chief went to check it out from their side. Meanwhile the Yokai had both the Tengu and an Oni rushing in to have a look.
The counter turned out to be a phony.
The giant Oni was attacked by a couple of Dwarf warriors near one of the other tokens.
Amazingly they drove it back and one of them checked out the counter, revealing it to be a dummy as well.
The Tengu and Dwarf chief had a scuffle in the woods.
The Dwarves and the giant Oni continued their fight.
Meanwhile another Oni was sitting on the treasure and just had to recover it.
The Dwarves were badly out of position and since they had a slower move than the Oni were going to be hard pressed to catch it before it got off the table.
The giant Oni scored a gruesome kill.
There were not really any Dwarves in a position to stop the Oni with the treasure (left) escaping with it. Unless it failed some activations.
They Dwarves did bring down an Oni though ...
... and kill it.
The Oni with the treasure made a run for home, but didn't quite make it.
The Yokai concentrated their efforts on the Dwarf missile-users as they would be the most likely to be able to stop the escape. The Tengu killed one.
The Oni had to make one move to escape. It failed.
It simply chose to taunt its pursuers.
The Tengu attacked the Dwarf Chief.
He was knocked down and the Dorotabo finished him off.
A Dwarf arquebusier was gruesomely killed.
One Dwarf got close to the escaping Oni ...
... but not close enough.
To add insult to injury the Tengu cut the Dwarf down.
So a fairly easy win for the Yokai, who lost a single Oni. The Dwarves were slow to activate at the start so when the treasure was found they weren't in a position to hinder its escape.
For the second game I pitted teh Yokai against the Uruk Hai. This was the same force that I used last week except that I dropped the Long Reach trait from the pikemen and gave them Dashing instead. Long Reach seems very underpriced for what it allows, although maybe not so much in Advanced SoBaH. Dashing gave them a +1 if they moved into combat.
The terrain was more open for this game. I also changed the scenario. I had three objectives along the centreline as before. However for two actions a figure in contact with it could claim an objective for their side. The game would end if one side fled or if one side controlled all three objectives. The objectives were in the two small woods and on the rock-pile in the centre.
Early moves saw both sides moving towards all three objectives. The Tengu quickly flew to the one in the centre and claimed it.
The Tengu and an Oni knocked down an Uruk Hai warrior, but seemed unable to finish him off.
The Uruk Hai chief moved up in support. The warrior would survive a couple of attacks before finally getting up.
An Uruk Hai pikeman ran one of the Oni through, whilst a warrior claimed the objective in the woods. They warbands were at one objective each.
Three Uruk Hai faced the giant Oni. But one was pushed back.
The Tengu knocked down the Uruk Hai leader ...
... and, unopposed by any enemy, the giant Oni rushed over and brained him whilst he was down.
With their best fighter gone the Urk Hai redoubled their efforts.
They knocked down and killed one of the Oni.
And, elsewhere, rushed one of the others, getting three-to-one odds on him.
The Tengu rushed over to the central objective to stop an Uruk Hai warrior from grabbing it. This left the giant Oni facing two Uruk Hai; having captured an objective and with no Yokai near it, warriors were moving from the other flank now.
On the flank an Oni killed one of the Uruk Hai, forcing the others to take a morale test. One of them failed and fled the board.
This left the remaining Uruk Hai outnumbered.
A pikeman charged in on the Tengo and spitted him.
He tried the same on the giant Oni, but was pushed back.
The outnumbered Uruk Hai warrior pulled back; things were looking better for the Uruk Hai in the entre now and they could always come back and claim that third objective.
And the fight turned quickly. A group of Uruk Hai brought down the giant Oni. This pushed the Yokai to 50% losses and forced them to take a morale test.
One of teh Oni on the far flank fled the field. The other had engaged the Uruk Hai warrior, but was cut down when he tried to flee.
This left the Yokai down to one figure. That is until an Uruk Hai warrior chopped the undead Dorotabo down.
So in the end this was a convincing win for the Uruk Hai. They did a better job at the end of bringing their numbers to bear (they had a two figure advantage anyway), and took out the most powerful Yoka, leaving things very tricky for the Japanese monsters.
I shall now be looking at statting these warbands up for Sword Weirdos, and see how that plays out.