
Friday 20 February 2015

One-Hour Wargames - The Scenarios Project

In this post I will try to track, and provide links to, the reports of each of the 30 scenarios in Neil Thomas's 'One-Hour Wargames'. For each one I will note the period and the rules used.

I started this exercise in February 2015. Obviously if when you are reading this a scenario doesn't have a link then I haven't played it yet; you'll have to come back another day and see how far I've got. And, since I was challenged to do the whole thing within a year, if it's now February 2016 and there are still entries without links, then I've failed in that particular aspect of the playthrough.

1 - Pitched Battle (1) - South American Wars of Liberation - One-Hour Wargames Horse & Musket rules.

2 - Pitched Battle (2) - South American Wars of Liberation - One-Hour Wargames Horse & Musket rules, with modifications.

3 - Control The River - South American Wars of Liberation - 'Liberated Hordes' HOTT variant (adjusted for six element armies).

4 - Take The High Ground - South American Wars of Liberation - 'Liberated Hordes' HOTT variant with twelve elements per side.

5 - Bridgehead - World War One - One-Hour Wargames Machine Age rules, with modifications.

6 - Flank Attack (1) - Reform War - 'Liberated Hordes' HOTT variant (adjusted for six element armies).

7 - Flank Attack (2) - JSDF and allies vs Xilians - 'Giant Monster Rampage'

8 - Melee - ACW - One-Hour Wargames ACW rules, with modifications

9 - Double Delaying Action - Great Northern War - One Hour Wargames Horse & Musket rules with heavy modifications.

10 - Late Arrivals - Great Northern War - One Hour Wargames Horse & Musket rules with heavy modifications.

11 - Surprise Attack - ACW - One Hour Wargames ACW rules with modifications.

12 - An Unfortunate Oversight - Great Northern War - One Hour Wargames Horse & Musket rules with heavy modifications.

13 - Escape - ACW - One Hour Wargames ACW rules with modifications.

14 - Static Defence - English Civil War - One Hour Wargames Pike and Shot rules, with heavy modifications.

15 - Fortified Defence - Great Northern War - One Hour Wargames Horse & Musket Rules with heavy modifications.

16 - Advance Guard - English Civil War - One Hour Wargames Pike and Shot rules  with very heavy modifications.

17 - Encounter - English Civil War - One Hour Wargames Pike and Shot rules with loads of changes.

18 - Counter Attack - World War II - Neil Thomas WWII rules, modified.

19 - Blow From The Rear - Epic 40K Orks vs Imperial Guard - Rules inspired by One Hour Wargames for WH40K games.

20 - Fighting Retreat - English Civil War - One Hour Wargames Pike and Shot rules, with heavy modifications.

21 - Twin Objectives - South American Wars of Liberation - Simplicity in Practice

22 - Ambush - Great Northern War - One Hour Wargames Horse & Musket Rules with heavy modifications.

23 - Defence In Depth - Great Northern War - Simplicity in Practice.

24 - Bottleneck

25 - Infiltration

26 - Triple Line

27 - Disordered Defence

28 - Botched Relief

29 - Shambolic Command

30 - Last Stand


  1. Question for you!

    I've been very much enjoying the 1HW rules and scenarios, so much so that I use them for some solo play within my campaign.

    One thing I'm running into is that some situations I run into with my campaign might not be reflected in the scenarios. To that end, do you know of any writings or expansions for new scenarios?

    1. I don't know of any further scenarios. I'd say that it's probably fairly straightforward to design your own, but I suspect that despite their simplicity they aren't as easy to put together as you might think.
