
Wednesday 13 November 2019

Damage Control

I have been having a think about damage in Galleys & Galleons in the past couple of game, mostly with regard to critical hits. These are scored relatively easily - at Long range or closer a roll of '6' on the combat dice will automatically score one regardless of whether the shot hits or not, and more imagining hits score them as well. The damage effects can be pretty nasty as well.

I felt that some criticals ought to be repairable within the span of the game. In theory one is - a fire. But fires are very hard to put out in Galleys & Galleons (in fact in the rules as written I found they pretty much finished most ships and rewrote the rules to give a ship on fire some chance of recovery).

My plan is a simple one. There is already the ability to repair damage on ships; you can spend two Actions to remove one hit from a ship (albeit that you can't remove the first hit you've taken). My thought was to extend this to the effects of critical hits as well; you can use a repair action to remove the effects of the following criticals:


In the case of Rigging hits, which can be taken multiple times, you only repair one instance of it each time.

Fires have their own rules.

Anyway, I shall try it and see how it works.

(I have considered allowing ships to 'repair' the Captain being killed; you replace him with a competent subordinate, lose the Quality penalty incurred, but can't recover any special abilities lost. Not sure about that one though.)


  1. I think you raise a valid point KK and modifications, more importantly, that do not detract from the game. Repairing your captain may sound odd, but it is of course more likely his actual replacement with a junior officer.

  2. I agree on repairing the captian... The others make sense too. USS Consticution carried our rudder "repairs" durring her battle with HMS Java if memory serves
