
Wednesday 24 April 2024

More Pilgrims

I bought a few more Pilgrim adventurers from Slave 2 Gaming the other week, and finished painting them a couple of days ago.

I got them because I felt I needed a couple more musketeers, and you only get one in each pack of four figures.

I painted up (and converted in one case) two more figures as torch-bearers, since fire is still important when facing monsters.

II got a character pack too, which is where the splendid witch-hunter comes from. The other figure was a swordsman, but I converted him to a bomb-throwing alchemist; explosives are an option in Palaeo Diet: Pulp.

I got a couple of creature packs too. The werewolves remain to be painted, but these are the animated scarecrows. The basic pack are the four figures on the right, and the pumpkin-headed leader is from the same character pack as the witch-hunter.

These figures aren't from Slave 2 Gaming. I think they're from Pendraken. Anyway, I had them to hand an thought that they'd be useful as swarms.

1 comment:

  1. Scary stuff!! The animated scarecrows have a “Hammer House of Horror” vibe about them 😉
