
Monday 5 February 2024

Another HOTT Knockout - Part Four

With seven seasons completed. there are still four nations left in play. In the previous season the Ophidians came close to knocking out The Knights of Simba, but didn't quite manage it. Would they manage a successful offensive this time?

Season 8

The rolls were as follows:

Squidmen - 4
Elephantmen - 6
Knights of Simba - 6+1=7
Ophidians - 4+2=6

The Ophidians were favourites to be the aggressor, but were just pipped to the post by their previous opponents, The Knights of Simba. But rather than take the fight to the Ophidians, the Knights attacked their northern neighbours - the Squidmen. With both armies based heavily around warband and knights this would be a potentially bloody fight.

The Squidmen put down plenty of terrain. Whilst both armies are based around warband and knights, the Squidmen are predominantly warband, so had to minimise the power of the enemy knights.

The Squidmen's big advantage is that they have a behemoth. Every element the Knights of Simba have is vulnerable to a behemoth.

On their left the Knights of Simba got to heavily outnumber the Squidmen shark-riders. In the centre their warband had a clear run at an empty enemy centre.

But the Squidmen shark-riders were on form, and despite being overlapped, pushed their opponents back. 

On the right the main forces clashed.

Needless to say the Walktapus behemoth destroyed everything that faced it. The Knights of Simba used the warband in their centre to try and outflank the Squidman line.

But the Squidmen kept driving forward

They were unstoppable. 

Even the outnumbered shark-riders on the flank had thrown back all opponents and were pushing forward.

One element of Simba knights were driven off their own base edge.

The Knights of Simba managed to destroy a lone Squidman warband.

This put their general in a rather dangerous position, facing warband in the woods.

But it was academic; the Squidmen were totally in control of the battle, and destroyed some warband to win the battle 12-2

The Squidmen had some great combat rolls; they simply seemed unable to lose a single fight and that meant that the Knights of Simba never gained any kind of advantage that they could exploit. Their invasion failed dismally.

Season 9

Both the Squidmen and Ophidians had positive aggression, so were strong favourites to be the aggressor in this season.

Squidmen - 6+1=7
Elephantmen - 5 (2)
Knights of Simba - 5 (1)
Ophidians - 3+2=5 (6)

So the Squidmen could have invaded any of their neighbours (who had a three-way tie for lowest score), but ended up counter-invading the Knights of Simba in a battle that would be a rematch of the previous battle.

The Knights of Simba went for a more open terrain that would help their knights. The behemoth was still going to be an issue, but if they could ride down the Squidman warband fast enough they could win a glorious victory.

Both lines advanced, but ended up shuffling elements around to avoid general facing unfavourable matchups.

The Knights of Simba got the advantage of a hill in the centre.

On the Squidman right their general was attacked by a horde of ape-men.

The lines broke up as elements recoiled and pursued - every element on the board is impetuous.

The behemoth scored a kill and broke through the Simba line. But the Knights were pushing forward elsewhere.

In the centre the Simba general pushed forward, driving back some shark-riders.

The Squidman behemoth slid over into the Simba general's rear. And despite the odds being against them, the Squidman shark-riders won the fight - Simba lost their general.

And that was the end of the battle. The Squidmen won 6g-4, so it was pretty close. But losing the battle meant that The Knights of Simba were out of the campaign

So there are now only three nations left in play. The Squidmen and Ophidians are both on +2 aggression, whilst the Elephantmen are on 0, so the next season is highly likely to see the Elephantmen being invaded by someone.


  1. I really enjoy your knockout campaigns, and your armies are beautiful. I'm looking forward to the conclusion.

    1. To be honest if I don't get a conclusion in the next few rounds I think a peace caused by fatigue of war may be on the cards for the surviving nations . If I do one of these again I may stick to four nations, like Martin did in his recent campaign.

    2. We used tk end alot of Risk games like that, world peace once we were down to the last two players. 😁

  2. Another fine pair of battles, Kaptain…and good to see some progress with world domination 😁.

  3. I suspect you’re right about keeping the number of nations/armies involved down to (a likely) four. Five would be a big commitment of time and effort, whereas a three nation campaign would seem too small (as each nation would only have 2 potential opponents). For me the whole point of a campaign is to generate battles and have fun. If it becomes a chore, then simply “move on” to something else.
