
Sunday 19 November 2023

Steggy And Rex

Steggy has a friend!

(Fun Fact: The difference in time between Stegosaurus and T-rex is greater than the difference in time between T-Rex and now.)

I got the T-Rex at the same gift-shop but wasn't sure how I wanted to paint it. In the end I kept the original scheme, but added some washes, painted detail such as the eyes and claws and redid the teeth. In addition I straightened the tail a little; on the original model it beds down very sharply to act as a third point of support for the model. I heated it in boiling water, straightened it as far as I could and then popped him in the freezer for the afternoon. Did the job.

Here's Rex with a more modern predator, Aloy

And a re-enactment of a scene from One Million years BC, or a Ken Ham creationist tract.


  1. The T-Rex has turned out well.👏👏
    By coincidence I watched an episode of comedian Dave Gorman’s “Modern Life is Goodish” the other day. He did a rather humorous bit about “fun facts”. 😂🤣

    1. Fun Fact: It's a phrase I picked up from 'The Good Place' and that my wife and I adopted when we got into the role of Janet for a cosplay a couple of years ago. :)
