
Tuesday 9 May 2023

Wombat Hunt

I played a small game of Palaeo Diet yesterday, to christen my new Australian Aboriginal hunters. Three hunters set out to kill a nice, tasty Diprotodon. 

Two of the hunters had spears and one a club. Hunting large grazers with missile weapons doesn't seem to be the way to go, since the odds of scoring any damage are quite low.

What's that grey cloud? Well, it's the complication I included. Instead of a roaming predator, I added a Swarm to the mix. This started at a random point of one of the board edges, and moved towards the nearest hunter if any hunter failed one or more activation dice. Swarms are in 'Palaeo Diet: Pulp'; they generally don't cause much in the way of damage (although they can) but they do make activation rolls in their vicinity a lot harder.

As is traditional, the opening moves were for the hunters to split of the prey and isolate the one they wanted to kill. This was achieved by throwing stones at the one they wanted to go away until it did.

With the prey isolated the two spear-armed hunters attacked, quickly inflicting a wound on the Diprotodon. I ran the wombat as a Giant Grazer, but with a Savagery of only 5+ and Bulk of 3. So an easier kill than a mammoth, but offering less meat in scenarios where hunters really need to rack up the kills.

The Diprotodon was understandably somewhat angry at having a spear stuck in it, and attacked, but ran off when the hunter stood his ground. But a swarm of angry bees was closing in on the hunt, forcing the hunters to shift their position to avoid getting caught up in it.

The Diprotodon charged another hunter, injuring him, but the hunter attacked once, inflicting a second wound ...

... and again for the kill. 

The three hunters with their kill. One of them was injured, but would recover. The club-armed hunter had spent a lot of the hunt avoiding the bees, who seemed very attracted to him.

So a short simple game, but it got some of the new figures on the table, and that's always good. The swarm, whilst it never reached any of the hunters, did create a new and interesting challenge, so I'm currently prototyping a proper model.

1 comment:

  1. A game with a certain ‘buzz’ to it, Kaptain…that’s a novel twist 🙂👍🏼
