
Sunday 31 July 2022


Stuart put on a game of the Spearhead divisional-level rules on Thursday. I observed rather than played, although I have a recollection of playing them once way beck in the 90s.

The battle was a meeting engagement between Americans and Germans in Italy, using 15mm figures.

People seemed to pick up the rules quite quickly, and they seem to be relatively straightforward. And bloody. It uses an old-school order system, where you draw lines of advance on a map, with formations having to follow their orders until they encounter enemy forces, at which point they can halt. Changing orders varies according to nationality and era.

Anyway, I think all of the players enjoyed the game, but there was a feeling that it used mechanisms for a lower level of  organisation - individual vehicles shoot at each other, for example, despite each on representing a company, whereas similar rules such as Rommel will tend to abstract such interactions a little more. 

On another table Caesar and Ian played Bolt Action, with a French vs German encounter in 1940. I only took photos of this - Caesar's 'Flamingo' flamethrower tank.


  1. That first encounter looks like an epic encounter with all those tanks brewed up!

    1. I took the photos towards the end of the game, when the Americans had achieved a breakthrough by overwhelming the Panzer unit in front of them.

  2. Good looking games. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ. First pic has a LOT of burning vehicles….’bloody’ indeed!.

  3. It's worth noting that stands / vehicles in Spearhead represent full platoons. In 15mm scale, it looks weird for sure, given what it represents. Excellent game though.
