
Monday 18 July 2022

More Beef

I've been performing or out with friends this weekend, so I needed something quick and easy for a bit of gaming. I set up a basic Palaeo Diet game, with six hunters stalking a herd of wild cattle. Once again I ran the cattle as Giant Grazers, but with all of their stats reduced by one - less dangerous than a mammoth and easier to kill, but offering less meat. To offset this there were six of them in the herd, which can get quite dangerous if they get riled.

The hunters spread out, sending their archer and slinger to the right. As ever the plan was to use missiles to drive individuals out of the herd, and then finish them off with spears and axes.

The slinger managed to inflict a damaging hit on the first animal he selected.

It ran back and forth in panic, but none of the hunters could finish it

Its flight took the whole herd with it, denying the hunters a clear opportunity to finish off the wounded animal.

The archer shot at another beast, wounding it, but causing it to charge him.

Meanwhile the other hunters tried to break up the herd, which became very agitated and aggressive, causing some of the hunters to back off.

The archer managed to take down the animal attacking him, for the tribe's first kill of the day.

Another beast was wounded, but again the hunters struggled to finish it off.

Chaos, as two wounded beasts ran around attacking and intimidating hunters. One spearman was injured and fled to the security (such as it was) of a hill.

Once again it was the archer who saved the day, finishing off one of the beasts with a well-aimed arrow. 

The death of a beast actually causes other beasts around it to react, and a few of them did get quite threatening towards the hunters. Fortunately there were no attacks and further injuries - it would have been a shame to have got the necessary kills only to have taken a casualty in the moment of victory.

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