
Wednesday 16 February 2022

Ten Years Of 'The Stronghold Rebuilt'

Today marks the tenth anniversary of this blog!

Actually it doesn't. I think I grabbed the name and URL a long while before I wrote the first post, in what was probably an attempt to salvage the old Stronghold website, but never got any further than that. However ten years ago we had a client who wanted to learn about blogging, and I remembered that I had the page partially set up, so in order to familiarise myself with the processes I started writing stuff.

The aim was, of course, to run a blog about 'Hordes of the Things', but it quickly became much more than that. It's become a pretty comprehensive record of all of my gaming activity for the past ten years, and in recent years has branched out into some regular non-gaming material as well - the burlesque posts, for example, and the annual Frocktober fundraiser.

I hope you regular readers still find it as entertaining as when you first found it, and that if you're a casual reader you'll find odd things to interest you. What have been your favourite Stronghold Rebuilt moments of the past ten years? 

Here's to the next ten years!


  1. G’Day there Kaptain,

    Many congratulations on hitting the decade! For me the highlights have been anything involving your scratch built boats and planes and also the whole Risk GNW and the paper ECWs. Actually, come to mention it it is all good stuff and I will look forward to the next ten years!

    All the best and many congratulations once again,


  2. Happy Blogging Birthday!

    I’ve always enjoyed reading your blog … and hope to do so for many years to come.

    All the best,


  3. I think what first got me was the Wonderland Army. Everything that's followed has be enjoyable. Congrats on making Ten years and I hope there's many more!

  4. Congratulations on 10 years! I enjoy all of your posts but the one that stick out in my minds are the 6x6 challenge and Machinas

  5. Congratulations on your first decade of quality blogging. Here's to many more!

  6. A very enjoyable ten years it has been (although I miss the old Web site).

  7. Looking forward to many more years!

  8. Congrats on the 10 years!! Always a daily visit, here.
    Best bit?? All of it’s good, but I particularly liked the development of the OHW and Portable Wargame variants, especially the ECW one which went on to be published in Bob’s P&S book, and also the setup variations, random events processes and other clever ideas which enhance a solo game no end.

  9. Congrats on the big ONE O! Keep 'em commin'.🎂🎈🎉🍨🍻.

  10. I really enjoy your blog and find it most inspirational! I look forward to many more posts. I have just posted a question about the development of your SAEaE Mexican Revolution rules but as your original post was 10 years ago, I am not sure if you will be visible to you

    Cheers Simon!

  11. Congratulations! That's really an achievement! I enjoy a lot reading your battles and projects, and you've been a source of inspiration, so thank you so much and here's to another ten years of fun.

  12. By the way, if I had to pick one thing, your boat building tutorials were really inspiring. Also the whole hordes of the things armies, so diverse and creative.

  13. Congratulations Alan, how time flys when you’re having fun.
