
Wednesday 17 February 2021

Nine Years

Yes, I started this blog nine years ago today!

I thought it would be fun to look at a few of the long-term gaming projects I've run here over the years. I found four.

First up is the ongoing Army Showcase series, in which I take pretty pictures of my HOTT armies and tell you about them. I've been doing that from the start and will keep doing it until I run out of attractive HOTT armies. You can see the full list of showcases on this blog's HOTT page HERE

Also ongoing is the One Hour Wargames Scenarios Project, which I started back in 2015. I'd kind of planned in knocking that off in a year, but that never happened. Six years on I'm still going, and I am more than 75% of the way through it. Anyway, it's an attempt to record a game for each of the 30 scenarios in the One Hour Wargames book, in order. Needless to say I've played every scenario, but not 'officially' as part of the project yet.

In 2017 I ran the first proper one year project - the Six by Six challenge. This saw myself, and a number of other bloggers, attempt to play and blog six games of six different rule-sets during the course of the year. A few of us managed it, and others got close. I did monthly updates too. You can see all of the relevant posts by following this tag search.

And finally, last year, I ran the HOTT 52 project, where I set out to play at least one game of  'Hordes of the Things each week for an entire year. It was harder than I thought it would be, but I managed it and you can find a complete list of all of the games HERE.

And what of the future? I have no projects planned for this year, but for next year - which will see the blog's tenth birthday, I think I might try something. I have the beginnings of an idea, and will mull it over ready for a start on January 1st 2022.

(On top of the gaming projects this blog has two ongoing non-gaming things as well - the annual Frocktober charity fundraiser, and my ongoing Burlesque Updates. It's fun to see how many people actually follow those as avidly as the gaming stuff.)


  1. So, Happy birthday.
    I really like to take a look on your hott games and armies.

  2. Kaptain Kobold,

    Congratulations on nine years of excellent blog posts ... and here’s to the next nine years!

    All the best,


  3. Congrats mate. Long service medal in the post!

  4. Happy Blogversary! Cheers for the next nine!

  5. Happy nine years! I also find projects are a great thing to do, even if they take longer than expected.

  6. Congratulations on this mile stone!

  7. Well done and congrats on 9 years of blogging.

  8. Congratulations! Thank you for all the articles and inspiration 😊
