
Wednesday 1 April 2020

Steam Ogre

So I've been playing Ogre on my PC.

It's OK. Took me a few goes to get used to the interface and not end up moving units I didn't want to, or shoot at roads I was using. And it's noisier than a boardgame or miniatures game. But it's entertaining, and captures the feel of the original game. Although to play the original game I need to draft another player - the solo options are game-specific scenarios, although similar in style.

We've also downloaded and distributed Tabletop Simulator to all of the family, so five of us can play boardgames together. Not sure how that's going to work out, but I did manage to throw together a quick and dirty 'Munera Sine Missione' bout last night when I was trying out the Custom Game part of it.

What have you been up to?


  1. I didn't realize this was on steam. Ogre brings back many fond memories. My go to steam game is Star Realms.

    1. It's on Steam and is half-price until 7th April, so might be worth a look.

  2. I've been looking at Tabletop Simulator. You said, "downloaded and distributed..." Does each player need a copy? Did you buy the 4-pack? Thanks.

    1. I think you do, yes. Not totally sure - my wife and daughter have been organising it because they're the experts of computer/console games. It's not really my thing, but the chance to play some boardgames with my children is too good to miss.

  3. Dusted off an old Windows 7 desktop and loaded Sid Meiers' Civilisation 3 - blast from the past and great fun!

  4. If Ogre's on sale on Steam, I may have to buy it. I was supposed to run a big Monopolis scenario at Steve Jackson Games' FnordCon this weekend, but that was cancelled for obvious reasons.

    Other than that, I've been playing The Awful Green Things From Outer Space with my wife and Terraforming Mars solo.
