
Sunday 24 November 2019

Fishmen vs Tiamat

I felt guilty depriving you all of pictures of Thursday's HOTT games, so I set up a 24AP game using the same armies this afternoon.

The Fishmen (left) attacked, whilst the Spawn of Tiamat lurked behind some bad going.

The Fishmen are a slow army, and plodded relentlessly across the field towards their opponent, who was content to marshal their hordes behind the safety of terrain. But Qingu the hero led some ove the more impetuous spawn on a flank attack on the advancing Fishmen.

The Fisman advance stalled at a field of crops.

At that point Tiamat was able to summon a Great Dragon to her aid.

The dragon few into the rear of the Fishman army, slowing their advance even further.

The Fishman commander led his trident-armed warriors to face the flank attack. Unfortunately this left him somewhat detached from his other flank, slowing the Fishman army even further. However the spawn led by Qingu were also sme distance from the mighty Tiamat, leading to her having trouble commanding them.

Fishmen with harpoon-guns advanced into the rocky ground on Tiamat's left, and took some giant snakes under fire, slaying them all.

Qingu and his mighty spawn charged the Fishman trident-line. It initially held ...

... but the dragon soon came to aid Qingu, and the line was rapidly overlapped.

Tiamat was surprised to find herself the target of harpoon-guns, but shrugged off the pin-prick attacks.

The Fishman commander was now surrounded, and was quickly cut down. His army fled.

So there you go; pretty pictures, and another win for Tiamat.

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