
Friday 26 April 2019


I played a couple of 24AP HOT games with Gary last night. He has 15mm figures mounted on 60mm frontages, so the armies look pretty good. He used some warband-heavy Orcs, defending against a blades and knights-based Chaos army.

(Apologies for the picture quality - I was obviously off my game yesterday)



The main fight was on the flank, where the Orc wolf-riders, aided by a hero, met the Chaos lizard-riders, also led by a hero.

The heroes met in a classic HOTT hero lottery and, despite having a one point overlap advantage, my hero was slain by the Orc.

It went downhill from there. The death of my hero, followed by a rubbish PIP roll saw Gary seize the initiative and my magician general was soon surrounded and dispatched.

We swapped sides. Again the mounted lined up against each other. Gary tried to eliminate my hero with his magician, who completely failed to find the right spell.

My hero cut through the Chaos knights before him, but Chaos was on a roll everywhere else along the line.

My hero was dispatched, followed by the last unit of wolf-riders. The Chaos magician slew a pair of warband, and it was all over for the Orcs.

Meanwhile Caesar and Vic were trying out Hail Caesar, using some nice semi-Dark Age armies Vic had put together (and which Caesar bulked out with some of his Saga units).

The single-base units on a 120mm frontage would make for an excellent large HOTT game, I think (on a 6' square table, naturally).

1 comment:

  1. Stunning armies. I wish I could have an opponent for HOTT
