
Wednesday 20 March 2019

Cutting Out

I had another go at the 'Galleys & Galleons' Cutting Out scenario last night, using a similar setup as before.

I made the harbour slightly bigger, and modified the ships slightly. I dropped Derring Do from all vessels; for HMS Possum I replaced it and Shallow Draft with Carronades and Pilot, whilst for the three small pirate junks I replaced it with a bow-chaser apiece.

This was the setup, with the pirates anchored safely in their harbour.

As before, they can't do anything until HMS Possum fires on them or initiates a boarding action. So the British warship steamed in right under their noses. Actually a fluffed activation at this point would have seen the captain pile his gunboat into the rocks.

HMS Possum moved into position and fired a devastating raking broadside at one of the pirate junks.

The pirates rushed to arms, raising anchor and maneuvering their junks into action, whilst the fort fired wildly.

HMS Possum fired another broadside at the pirate, crippling it, but raised steam, not wanting to get caught motionless by the now alerted pirates.

The pirates couldn't get into position to board, but did open fire, with no effect.

HMS Possum began to turn to starboard, hoping to run past the fort and take one of the larger merchant junks, then escape through the small channel behind the fort.

But it wasn't to be. One of the pirate junks had got the range, and a broadside holed the naval vessel.

A shot from the fort shattered HMS Possum's rudder, leaving the ship in danger of running aground. However a shot from the steamship's pivot-gun sank the crippled junk.

The captain changed course, but firing from the fort and the junk shattered HMS Possum, and it sank.

The final position. HMS Possum had sun an enemy ship for 2VP, but the pirates scored 6VP for destroying the steamship, and only lost one for their own sunk vessel, so won 5VP to 2VP.

I still don't know if it's really possible for the attacker to do this attack with gunfire alone. Maybe an attack by one or two vessels with mortars might be fun - anchor them away from the fort then bombard the pirates, scooting away when the pirates emerge to try and drive them off.. But I think the setup is designed for an attack by boats, or similar, and boarding actions.

Has anyone else tried the Cutting Out scenario? How did it go?


  1. Not tried this yet - still painting my Peter Pig ships however what about a submarine?

  2. Good looking game. I love these rules, they are so versatile.
