
Monday 5 November 2018

Ork vs Guard Replayed

I set up the Epic40K positional defence scenario again (albeit with slightly different terrain). I used the same basic forces, except I didn't have so many special rules on the infantry; I ran both Orks and Guard the same. However I added two Kings to the initiative deck, one for the Orks and one for the Guard. If their card came up, then they could keep it, and then play it on one of their future activations. On an activation when the Orks played theirs they would receive a +1 in all close combats. On a activation when the Guard played theirs, they would get a  +1 on all shooting.

The idea of the Kings was to put some kind of army-specific chrome into the mix. I have some ideas for other forces jotted down, which I will try in future games.

This was the setup.

Once again the Ork attacked on the flanks - tanks and bikes on their right and infantry on their left.

The tanks quickly overwhelmed the Guard outposts and swarmed into their rear.

However on the other flank the Guard light infantry held off assault after assault.

As the Orks threw more troops into the attack and lined up on the Guard's centre, they drew their King, and then activated. The assaults were predictably nasty.

In a single activation they threw the Guard off the hills.

The surviving Guard withdrew to what had been their left flank, but the Ork attack was relentless.

Eventually only the Guard commander was left, facing down the entire Ork horde. I rolled the credits at that point.

The Orks lost a single unit. Both sides actually rolled terrible combat dice, but the Guard shooting was especially bad. Obviously I didn't really get to test the effect of the Kings in the deck.

One change I will probably try in the next game is to have only one side counting their hit in close combat. If both sides hit, the highest score counts. On an equal score the lowest die roll counts. If it's still a tie then the two hits cancel each other out.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you replaying the scenario - I think playing the same/similar game more than once is much under used, as you never learn everything from one go at something
