
Monday 7 May 2018

Munera In The Country

I have little gaming to report this weekend; whilst the weather has been unseasonably nice we squeezed in a last camping trip. Winter will be on us soon, so that will be it until September. So this was our view.

And this.

I packed a few gladiators, though, and did some more testing for 'Munera Sine Missione'. I didn't get as much done as I'd have liked; despite the nice weather, at this time of year you don't get a lot of daylight to play by, and the fact that we were camped in a hollow surrounded by trees and hills didn't help there at all.

Anyway, I think the basic rules are in a state I'm happy with, and we just need to tweak and finalise some of the campaign rules and other trimmings.


  1. Very scenic place for a game of gladiators! Have you considered the game rules in the old Avalon Hills game Gladiators. From a distant memory, that seemed to work well for my purposes.

  2. We're long past the point of looking for a set of gladiator rules - 'Munera Sine Missione' has been my go-to set for 15 years now :) What we're doing is making even better than it currently is! :)

  3. Geez, you brought enough figures for a whole campaign...

    1. I allowed for that as a possibility; certainly a solo one. I took one box (out of the five I have), and packed a comprehensive range of types.
