
Wednesday 1 March 2017

Six By Six - February

As another month ends, it's time to review people's Six By Six activity for February. My spreadsheet tells me that just over 40 games have been played this month as part of the challenge. To be 'on target', each person needs to be playing three games a month, on average. There are now seventeen people taking part, so you can see that activity was below par this month. Maybe it is due to Christmas holidays now being well and truly over in the northern hemisphere, and the long summer holiday being done with in the south. Or simply that February has fewer weekends than January.

Update: Since publishing I have found out about at least seven sessions I have no record of, either because they haven't been blogged yet, or weren't tagged in a way that made it obvious they were part of the challenge. So the above paragraph is a bit of a lie now, since February has probably shaped up as more active than January I have added in some of the reports to this post, and will carry the rest over to March.

A few people are well above average in their game-play. Indeed one person is almost halfway through the challenge. Others have yet to start. But it's not a competition; at the end of the day if someone only plays one of their 36 games, they have still played and recorded a game, and we all benefit.

My own progress this month has been slower than January. I achieved two games of HOTT. This was due to me continuing to play Galleys and Galleons in the early part of the month, no games of which counted because I'd already done the six games required, and also having set myself a restriction on my HOTT games of having to use new, or at least modified, armies. I've actually played well over six games of HOTT this month, but only two of them fulfilled my requirements. I have another new army ready to be blooded, so the beginning of March will see my third entry for HOTT and nine games total, putting me on track even if I play nothing else.

As with last month, I thought I'd mention one or two of the games other people have played.

Firstly, let me draw your attention to this game - Battle for Threngen on Fantalonia. Virtual battlefield. Virtual paper figures. Love it.

We had a participant join this month - Jay from 'Numbers, Wargaming and Arseing About'. I shall be watching at least one of his chosen games with interest; a small boardgame covering the Battle of Poltava. This is a difficult battle to reproduce as any kind of game, so I'll be keen to see how this game approaches it and the results it gives.

A few people have undertaken campaigns of various kinds in order to provide a framework for their games. This month I thought I'd mention Martin at Sheppard's Crook, who is doing an ECW campaign set on the Scottish borders and using the One Hour Wargames rules and scenarios.

And now, the current list. I believe it's up to date as of the end of February. I was away this past weekend, so it took me a few days to catch up with everyone's posts, but I think I got them all. If I've missed anything, then let me know.

Entries in red are ones where all six games have been played. And let me draw your attention to Kevin of Warwell's Wargames who has played five of his six games at least once and is the current leader in terms of number of different games played.

Kaptain Kobold - The Stronghold Rebuilt

1 - HOTT
 Game 1 - Game 2
2 - Neil Thomas Pike and Shot
3 - Black Powder
4 - Machinas
5 - DBA 3.0
6 - Galleys & Galleons
 Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3 - Game 4 - Game 5  - Game 6

Pat G - Irr Wb (F)

1 - Ace of Aces Handy Rotaries
2 - B17 - Queen of the Skies
3 - Chain of Command
4 - D&D OSR
5 - Gruntz
6 - Space 1889: Soldier's Companion

Shaun Travers - Shaun's Wargaming With Miniatures

1 - Ancient Battlelines Clash
2 - Advance to Cover
 Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3 - Game 4
3 - Field Commander: Alexander
4 - Full Thrust
5 - Fall of Rome
6 - Triumph
 Games 1 and 2 - Game 3

1 - X-Wing
2 - Dystopian Wars
3 - Rubber and Lead or other homegrown rules
 Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3
4 - Starfleet Battles
 Game 1
5 - Miscellaneous
6 - MLB Showdown
 Game 1

Brian Hamilton - By Brush and Sword

1 - Blucher
2 - Saga
3 - Blood Bowl
 Games 1, 2 and 3 - Game 4 - Game 5
4 - Arena Rex
5 - Strange Aeons
6 - Fistful of Lead
 Game 1 - Game 2

1 - Cold War Commander
 Game 1 - Game 2
2 - Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear
3 - The Walking Dead: All Out War
4 - Kings of War
 Game 1
5 - Imperial Skies
6 - Memoir '44
 Game 1

Michael S - ChicagoWiz's Games

1 - Dungeons & Dragons (1974 edition and 1st edition AD&D)
2 - Ral Partha's Chaos Wars
3 - HOTT
4 - Book of War (D&D Skirmish game)
5 - One Hour Wargames
6 - DBA or Neil Thomas's Ancients/Medieval Wargaming

Martin Sheppard - Sheppard's Crook

1 - Squad Leader
2 - Ancient / Medieval Warfare
3 - Memoir 44
4 - Four Against Darkness
  Game 1 - Game 2
5 - One Hour Wargames
 Game 1 - Game 2
6 - DBR

Natholeon - Natholeon's Empires

1 - DBA 3.0
 Game 1 - Game 2 
2 - Honours of War
 Game 1
3 - Clobberin' Time
 Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3 - Game 4 - Game 5 - Game 6
4 - Lord of the Rings for Star Wars
5 - Crimean War Rules
 Game 1
6 - Broken Legions

Kevin Kearney - Warwell's Wargames

1 - Anarendor (WISER Fantasy Rules)
 Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3 - Game 4
2 - Zirconia and Beyond (WISER Sci-Fi Rules)
 Game 1
3 - Lumbago (WISER Horse and Musket)
4 - Four Against Darkness
 Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3 - Game 4
5 - DC Rivals
 Game 1
6 - Ticket To Ride
 Game 1

Phil Saunders - A Game of Bones

1 - Black Powder
2 - Team Yankee (6mm edition)
3 - Blood Bowl
4 - Deadzone
5 - Rogue Stars
 Game 1 - Game 2
6 - TBA

Peter - Grid-based Wargaming

1 - One Hour Wargames (OHW) and Others - SciFi Variant
 Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3 - Game 4 - Games 5 + 6
2 - Galleys and Galleons
3 - Hundred Years War - Lion Rampant
 Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3
4 - Dark Ages with Dux Bellorum
 Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3 - Games 4, 5 and 6
5 - WW2 Naval (Pz8 rules)
6 - WW1 OHW

Sun of York - One Sided Miniature Wargames Discourse

1 - Impetus
 Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3 - Game 4
2 - Saga
3 - Napoleon's Battles
4 - DBA
5 - Wings of Glory
 Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3 - Game 4
6 - Songs of Drums and Shakos (will also count Songs of Blades and Heroes).
 Game 1 - Game 2

Ricardo Nakamura - Fantalonia

1 - And a Bottle of Rum
2 - Clash on the Fringe
3 - Mercenary Air Squadron
4 - Morale Napoleon
5 - MOTH - The Ion Age
 Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3 - Game 4
6 - Star Trader

Kenneth van Pelt - The Penny Whistle

1 - DBA
 Game 1
2 - Blue Max
 Game 1
3 - The Great War
 Game 1 - Game 2
4 - 54mm Collection
5 - Carrera GO Formula 1
6 - Rogue Stars
 Games 1 and 2

Dan Foley- Last Stand at Cairngorm

1 - Chain of Command.
 Game 1 - Game 2
2 - A Gentleman's War
 Game 1 - Game 2
3 - Sharpe Practice 2
4 - Saga
5 - Mad Dogs with Guns
 Game 1 - Game 2
6 - Lion Rampant (and variants)

1 - 1914 Opening Moves (Minden Games)
2 - Remagen Bridge (Minden Games)
3 - Flying Eagles (High Flying Dice Games)
4 - Courage under Fire (HFDG)
5 - Manoeuvre (GMT)
6 - Poltava

As I said, if I've missed any sessions, then please let me know and I will update everything accordingly.


  1. I failed to mark a couple of blog posts as 6x6 qualifiers...



    1. I'll add them into March I think :)

      What heading does the first game come under please?

    2. "Homegrown" rules. Thanks!

  2. You must enjoy herding cats in your spare time :-)

    1. I'm a parent, and I work with software developers.

      Also I'm part of a wargames club.

  3. Thank you for the mention and the sitrep. I think I'm going to need to a little catching up in March and April
