
Monday 6 February 2017

Six by Six - A Late Entrant

Jay from 'Numbers, Wargaming and Arseing About' has decided to give the 6x6 Challenge a go. I love his blog, which is based around playing games in a small space and often solo; both things which appeal to me.

Here's his entry, which has also been added to the main list:

Jay - Numbers, Wargaming and Arseing About
1 - 1914 Opening Moves (Minden Games)
2 - Remagen Bridge (Minden Games)
3 - Flying Eagles (High Flying Dice Games)
4 - Courage under Fire (HFDG)
5 - Manoeuvre (GMT)
6 - The Secret Last Game


  1. Hi Kaptain,

    Thanks for picking up my belated entry. Flattering as it is to be mistaken for Norm, I am not he. We share the same interests but Norm is the handsome erudite one and I am the scruffy disorganised one.


