
Tuesday 22 December 2015

A Couple of Books

This is a quick post about a couple of books.

The first is a new publication by a member of our gaming group, covering Persian armies of the late 18th and early 19th century: The Persian Army of the Napoleonic Era – Qajar Dynasty 1779-1857It's certainly a pretty obscure subject for a book, but if you like that sort of thing I'm sure it's the sort of thing you will like.

The second is one I've just bought, albeit months, nay years, after most other people 'Wargaming: An Introduction' by Neil Thomas.

Since getting 'One Hour Wargames' last year I've been reading a lot about Neil Thomas's books, and this one sounded like it was one I could probably enjoy, if only for the four or five sets of rules it contains. I'm saving a thorough read-through for when I'm on my Christmas break, but I've dipped into it and like what I've seen so far. As with 'One Hour Wargames' the rules seem a little unusual in places, but the introduction to each at least explain why things are done the way they are. Perhaps as well as reading the book over Christmas I'l get chance to pay some games using them.

Maybe I should get a Persian army for use with the Napoleonic rules ...


  1. I've got the Neil Thomas book. I've played the ancients rules and they were surprising fun. Didn't mod them or anything.

    1. The Renaissance and WWII rules look interesting; I shall aim to give at least one of those a try over Christmas.

  2. Hi Kaptain,

    I am really interested in the Persian title - could you give me anymore details? I have a cunning plan for this....;-)

    All the best,


    1. Hi David - the text in the post is a link to buying the book itself, and the blurb is there. I dot have a copy myself - not really my thing at the moment. I just thought I'd promote the work of a friend.

  3. From the thought of a Persian army I ran.

  4. I like Thomas' book too, as well as his others in the same vein.

  5. I knew and, whilst straight Napoleonics aren't my bag, it would be worth getting just because it's probbaly an entertaining read. I quite like the look of the Nineteenth Century book he's done though.
