
Friday 24 October 2014


This is a wargames blog. I don't generally post stuff here that doesn't have some kind of game-related content. But I'm going to make an exception for this post about - Frocktober!

Every ten hours, one woman in Australia dies from ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cancer is an insidious disease, often known as a “silent-killer” as symptoms are vague and often strike without warning. Unlike many other cancers there is no early detection test. Consequently ovarian cancer is often diagnosed in its late stages and only 20%-30% of women will survive beyond five years of diagnosis. In comparison, survival rates increase to 80-100% when ovarian cancer is detected and treated early.

The Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation is Australia’s pre-eminent ovarian cancer research body. Their goal is to raise ovarian cancer awareness and vital funds for the development of an early detection test that will save women’s lives.

They receive no government funding and rely on the support of community and business supporters to assist in driving their research forward.

Frocktober is all about raising funds and awareness. You can wear a frock just once, or do what many are doing and wear a different frock every day in October. In doing do we can help support the OCRF.

Last week I had an opportunity to pop on a frock, flounce in front of a camera and do my bit. I don't have a specific page set up, but I have been promoting and supporting fellow blogger Kim-Marie and her Team Kimba Likes. If you want to contribute just visit this site:

Thank you.

And here's the photo:

As for the technical details,  the lovely Rachel is today wearing a brown and turquoise dress from La Redoute, teamed with high-heeled boots from Rubi Shoes. She is posing in the E.G.Waterhouse National Camellia Gardens in Caringbah, Sydney. The picture was one of many taken by my long-suffering wife.

And my arms really are that skinny.


  1. Thinking about how hard worthy causes have to work just to raise a relatively small amount of money, the amount the world wastes on guns, bombs, missiles, landmines, and all the other ways we've invented to slaughter each other becomes even more sickening.

  2. You know whats frighteningly scary, from a distance with a few pints, you actually make a good looking women..ermm!!!??

    1. Well, I do have past form at doing this. Quite a bit actually :)
