
Monday 17 February 2014

Do You Have A Flag?

My Swedes do. Well, some of them; I've been trying out an idea for putting flags onto the existing standard-bearer figures, and it seems to work OK. Now I just have to hand-paint a flag for each of the seven infantry units I have. Easy

Update - A good evening's work; all seven units now have flags. I have no idea if the regimental flags correspond to the uniforms; I just went with flags that (i) looked nice and (ii) were relatively easy to paint.


  1. I was going to suggest drawing the flag design on paper and using felt pen to colour. But seeing the flags you have made, there is no point: your own designs and methods look fine! But there is no question but flags seem to set of war games units somehow: the 'colourfuller' the better. Well done! ;-)

    1. Felt-pen may not have been a bad idea actually. I went for paint, with virtually no pre-drawing. It has left some slightly wonky and uneven designs, but from a distance they look OK

  2. Those hand-painted flags look great. It's easy to forget that these figurese are a mere 10-12mm, so they will only ever be viewed from a distance. The overall look of the unit is what matters, not each individual figure or flag. I can't wait to see this army in action!

  3. I print mine on a colour printer. They turn out ok for the most part. While I can paint, I'm not much good at free hand. My daughter though.... if only she will turn to the dark side.

    1. Perhaps it's just our printer, but I always find printed flags come out a bit murky. Obviously I can adjust in a photo-editor, but it's a bit hit and miss. The flags I did form my Weird WWII Americans were printed, but I did a lot of touching up by hand afterwards.
