
Tuesday 19 February 2013

The Problem Of Multiple Anniversaries

Tomorrow is the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Salta.

The Battle of Salta? Yes, the Battle of Salta, when a Patriot army under General Belgrano defeated a Royalist force under General Pio de Tristan just north of the present-day Argentinian city of Salta.

You can read about it HERE.

Now I've refought Salta in the past - back in 2007 in fact - and there's a few pictures to prove it. I used a variant of 'Rocket's Red Glare' (a set of rules for the War of 1812), as the scale of battles they cover is just about right.

But tomorrow I want to refight Salta on its 200th anniversary. I have a bit of a thing for the South American Wars of Liberation, and it would be great to play a game on the actual day.

I considered using it as an excuse to try out Black Powder, now I own a copy of the rules. The battle translates OK and would make for a small, quick, game to learn the rules with. But eventually I decided to settle for something quick and simple. I'm going to use a variant of my Portable Wargame square-grid  ACW variant, 'Mighty Mean-Fowt Fights'. A few tweaks will scale the rules down for South American Napoleonic warfare - reduce musketry to 2 squares range and artillery to 4 squares, whilst giving cavalry a +1 against all troops (as well as the +1 against disordered troops) - cavalry were often a decisive battle winner in these wars. I have the figures. I have the square grid. I have the terrain.

I have everything I need.


You see, tomorrow is the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Salta. I'm working all day, and we have family coming over for a meal in the evening. Why? Because it's also the 20th anniversary of the day I got married.

How am I going to fit in a game?

Watch this space ...

"What do you mean, he's thinking of wargaming on our anniversary?"


  1. Happy anniversaries!

    I hope that you enjoy both of them.

    All the best,


    1. Thanks. And for reasons too involved to go into here, after a lovely meal and a bottle of wine donated by a friend, I spent the evening of my 10th wedding anniversary playing HOTT with said friend. True story.

  2. Ditto from all at the duchy of Tradgardland too.
