
Saturday 5 January 2013

A Fiddly Job

It's the hottest day of Summer so far (I reckon) so what am I doing? I'm indoors trying to scratchbuild 1/600th scale WW1 biplanes. It's a fiddly job ...

Of course, if Tumbling Dice - or someone - produced early war aircraft in 1/600th I wouldn't have to do this. But until then, I shall be fiddling with card and balsa until I find an easy way to make what I want.

The four semi-completed planes are supposed to be BE2s, but I'm not sure yet how I'm going to do the distinctive tail-planes. The pieces to the side are the beginnings of a trio of Fokker Eindekkers.

I also assembled my Tumbling Dice 1/600th WW1 bombers - the three Fredirichschafen GIIIs and two Handley-Page 0/400s. Here's one of each so you can get an idea of the size of them:

Update: Finished the BE2s. They're far from perfect, but I can probably hide some of the shortcomings when I paint them:


  1. I think Heroics and Ros do 1:600 aircraft. I know Skytrex do.

    1. Not that I can see. H&R do 1/300th (an interesting range too), whilst Skytrex do 1/144th. As far as I know only Tumbling Dice do 1/600th WW1.

  2. Kap'n

    These are looking good IMHO! I've had similar fun with my Cap Aero 1:1250 WW2 planes (especially fitting top winds on the Swordfish).

