
Sunday 10 June 2012

Mantic Dwarves

Since I'm feeling a lot better today, I thought I'd get on with assembling the Dwarves from the Mantic army box I won in a competition nearly two years ago. I started them earlier this week, but hadn't had the energy to do anything more with them until today.

Anyway, I have 44 figures and two artillery pieces assembled. I should be able to produce about 36AP of HOTT army from them.

Here's some teasers.

They're very nice figures to put together, although it would have been nice to have had some individual one-handed weapons on the sprues for those figures with a single open hand. Still, I was able to mix and match a few bits in ways that were not quite 'out of the box' to create a couple of character figures to use as commanders and hero elements.

Just need to put a few odds and ends together now, and stick them to something ready for undercoating and painting. But given my ability to stick to painting projects for any length of time I would expect to see any progress soon.


  1. Replies
    1. Still playing around with the macro lens for my iPhone. Then I discovered the effects filters in Picasa :)

  2. I found that when putting them together there was either a massive gap above the belt on the front of the figure or on the back. I think this was only on the ones with cloaks. Nice figures but bloody awful to put together.

  3. I just noticed in the background a REALLY old Citadel Colour pot of paint!

    1. I had a pot of Blood Angesl Red in that style that I only opened about a year ago :)

      I still have about 24 pots like that in use.

  4. Two years ago, good belated work my friend!

    1. Two years is nothing - a few months ago I put the first dabs of paint on some figures I undercoated ten years ago. They've been pushed down the queue already, so I suspect it could be another ten years before I finish them off :)

    2. Took me five years to paint them after this, so seven years from acquisition to tabletop :)
